In an era dominated by social media sharing and the rapid spread of information, distinguishing between real news and fake news online has become more crucial than ever. 

It is important that the girls and young women in our community feel confident and empowered to navigate the digital world so we were delighted to partner with The Charlotte Project  to deliver an online workshop titled "Media Smart: Your Guide to Fact-Checking in the Digital Age" which was hosted by The Girls’ Network Ambassador Liza.

Attendees had the opportunity to hear from seasoned journalists who shared insights on the importance of verification and fact-checking in today's digital landscape. With the aim of empowering participants with the skills to navigate the news maze, the workshop covered key topics including:

  • Spotting misinformationhow to identify red flags and recognise misinformation online.

  • The significance of fact-checking:  the importance of verifying information before sharing it and highlighting the potential consequences of spreading false or misleading content.

  • Considerations before sharing: insights into the factors to consider before hitting the share button, emphasising the responsibility of being a discerning media consumer.

The workshop was a valuable opportunity for attendees to boost their news literacy and become savvy media consumers. For those who missed the live session, the workshop recording is now available below and on our YouTube channel.

The event was facilitated by Basmah Fahim, Newsroom Development Specialist at Reuters News Agency and Peter Keep, Founder of The Charlotte Project.

Basma said: 

It was a pleasure to take part in the Charlotte Project’s workshop with The Girls’ Network. The students asked thoughtful and inquisitive questions that lead to interesting discussions around the topics of fake news, sources and misinformation. It was great to see such enthusiasm about the themes discussed and to hear the students’ thoughts and perspectives. I look forward to being involved in more workshops in the future.

Peter said: 

“It was great to see the ambassadors. They were all very engaged and participated actively which always makes the workshop more interesting for everybody. They asked some great questions too. I hope that the skills they learned will help them to feel more confident and better engage with the news.

The Charlotte Project is committed to equipping individuals with the tools they need to navigate the digital news landscape confidently. 

Here’s what some of our ambassadors thought of the workshop:

  • "It has taught me to not believe everything I see online and that doing my research/observing the post will help me overcome this."

  • "It has helped me notice how you should interpret media and ways in which it is written"

  • "This workshop gave the ability to fully understand what fake news is and how to fully grasp the key ways to differentiate between fake and completely factual news, either causing harm or not."

  • "My key takeaway from this workshop was that you always need to check the source before reposting it."

  • "Thank you for a wonderful workshop. I really enjoyed learning about this."

  • "A key takeaway was using websites that factcheck fake news."

Our Ambassadors believe that by enhancing news literacy and promoting critical thinking skills, individuals can engage more effectively with current events and contribute to a more informed society.

Don't miss out on the chance to enhance your fact-checking skills and become a more media-savvy individual. Watch a recording of this workshop below and join us in the journey towards a more informed and empowered community!