Ambassadors benefit from paid internships We are thrilled that two of our Ambassadors had the opportunity to embark on a six-week paid internship at the end of 2023 thanks to our friends at Space Doctors. The internships, which were open exclusively to members of our Ambassador Community, gave Salma and Saraf a glimpse into the marketing industry and allowed them to dive into the dynamic world of brand strategy. During the internship they actively contributed to live client projects and proposals. This hands-on involvement provided a platform to develop essential skills in cultural analysis, brand strategy, and client relationship building, among other valuable aspects of our industry. Working closely with Space Doctors project team members, ambassadors received personalised coaching and support in the business. Salma and Saraf, known for their creativity and cultural curiosity, were thrilled to be part of this internship program. It not only offered a real-world understanding of the industry but also fostered an environment where their enthusiasm and innovative thinking could flourish. The Girls’ Network is passionate about nurturing and developing the skills of emerging talents in our Ambassador Community. Paid internships and work experience opportunities like this enable us to prepare our young people for the world of work and beyond. We believe they are equally valuable for the organisations involved, giving them access to a diverse pool of applicants who are passionate and eager to make the most of new opportunities. Al Deakin, Director at Space Doctors said: “This year, Space Doctors have piloted an internship scheme as a way of helping increase the diversity of recruitment into our industry. We worked with The Girls' Network Ambassador Community to recruit two fantastic young interns who have joined us for six weeks. Salma and Saraf are impressing everyone with their hard work, talent and enthusiasm and we hope the skills they learn here will serve them well in their future careers. We’d also like to offer a big thankyou to Rabina Khan from The Girls' Network who helped so much in their recruitment.” We are very grateful to Al and the team at Space Doctors for providing such a valuable and accessible experience for young women in our community. You can hear what Salma enjoyed about the internship in her own words here: If your organisation would like to offer the young women in our community an opportunity like this one, please get in touch with Rabina, our Ambassador Community Lead at: [email protected] Manage Cookie Preferences