Amy is on the ambassador steering group and was part of the team who helped plan our #BeYou events. In this blog she talks about the latest event in Liverpool and what she enjoys about being part of the ambassador community...

A photo of Zac and Amy on the Liverpool FC terraces

Liverpool #BeYou Event - A kick start to a stronger future 

On October 7th the second #BeYou event took place at Anfield in partnership with Liverpool Football Club and Enterprise. 

I’d never been to Liverpool until I went as an Ambassador to the #BeYou Event in October.  My grandad was born in Liverpool so it was kind of like reconnecting to a part of my family.  When my grandad saw the pictures of Anfield and the images I took outside he was shocked to see how much it had changed.  The last time my grandad had been to Anfield was when he was 14 and he’ll be 89 in February next year! 

Anfield was built in 1884 but didn’t house Liverpool Football Club until 1892 when the club was formed.  What struck me was how welcoming people were in Liverpool, from the taxi driver, to people smiling and our hotel staff.  I stayed over at The Liner Hotel and that was my first time staying over in a hotel.  The hotel is designed like a ship and so we were on one of the decks!Alyx Steele

As part of my role on the day was to work with The Girls' Network Communications Manager to help look after the Ambassador Community Instagram, take photos, do short interviews and also support the workshops.  

The guest speaker was Alyx Steele who was born and raised in Liverpool before embarking on a professional career after moving to London aged 17 years.  She is a passionate teacher and has delivered workshops across the globe in countries such as the USA, Indonesia, Italy, Hungary, Denmark and China, where she also worked extensively as a Choreographer.  

It was inspiring to learn how Alyx had overcome her personal challenges to succeed.  I felt inspired to know that you can aim for things and know you can do it just like Alyx did.  Alyx got us to say three positive things about ourselves which felt good. 

During that time when over 80 girls were listening I took photos and clips of the event.   There were also workshops and stalls, a networking event and activities.

Amy doing self defence with NicolaMyself and Zak went to the self defence workshop and learned some moves from Nicola Chan.  I really enjoyed the workshop especially as we learnt one of the most important ways to be safe is never to risk being in an unsafe situation. 

I enjoyed lunch which was all vegan and the goody bags were great especially as they included a Liverpool branded water bottle.

I enjoyed the event because it was relaxing, fun and satisfying to know that what we had planned with other Ambassadors had come together.   The skills you learn being an ambassador from helping shape an event or workshop, hosting and speaking at functions or seminars gives a sense of empowerment.

As an Ambassador and being part of a safe place and being involved has helped me to develop my confidence.  Especially as I never had the opportunity to sit my GCSEs because of Covid and then went straight into an apprenticeship.  

So a big shout out - if you were a Girls' Network Mentee and want to reconnect, join the Ambassador Community by emailing [email protected] 

You can watch a video from the #BeYou event in Liverpool here: 

The Ambassador Community is an inclusive network that is shaping our impact and the world around us, so that every young woman can have an unlimited future of their choice. It is made possible thanks to the generous funding from Enterprise Rent-A-Car who have pledged to donate £250,000 to fund the programme over five years.